Business Initiation Trip Georgia
23. – 27.09.2024, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi
BMWK – Market development program for SMEs
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Service and consulting to increase sustainability in toolmaking and mechanical engineering, production, energy, recycling, agricultural and environmental technology. The purpose is realized by offering laser cladding services (DED: Directed Energy Deposition) for customers as well as advice on the selection, introduction and application of suitable system/process technology. Products are all wear parts in water treatment plants and/or hydropower plants (e.g. repair of bucket wheels, manufacture of sealing rings etc.).
Target group:
Zielgruppe sind alle Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereiter, sowie Wasserkraftbetreiber, die mit erhöhtem Verschleiß zu tun haben.
Company profile:
After being used for the first time in the 1980s for aircraft construction, the DED process has been widely used in numerous industries and market segments. Not least due to the evolution of additive manufacturing processes and the establishment of the various technologies, the DED process has developed into a key technology.
A distinction is made between the different variants depending on the material supply and energy source. Our focus is on the application and consulting of the DED process with powder as filler material and laser beam for melting base and filler material – then referred to as LP-DED (laser-powder DED). With this process, the surface properties of components can be optimized to meet your requirements, completely (3D printing) or add functional volumes (hybrid 3D printing)!
D-38350, Helmstedt