Zivile Sicherheit, 2022 – 2025
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AMK Global GmbH
Product and business segment:
Waste management, purification of industrial waste gases, green energy and green hydrogen. The use of advanced technologies ensures the highest recycling rate (up to 88%) and minimal negative impact on the environment. The actual emissions are well below the European standards. At the same time, the effort for the authorities and the population will be minimal.
Target group:
Municipalities, large cities, regions, landfill operators.
Company profile:
AMK Global GmbH was founded in 2019 and develops projects in the field of environmentally con-scious waste management. The company’s declared aim is to build and develop specific competences required for the construction and operation of efficient waste treatment plants using innovative tech-nologies from Germany and Europe. The company’s focus is on creating extensive networks in Eastern Europe and Asia, particularly in the post-Soviet countries. The company co-operates successfully with large international corporations as well as with local business partners. When developing projects, AMK Global draws on the expertise of ENVI CON Engineering GmbH, which has been successfully developing technical solutions for waste treatment plants, thermal power plants, renewable energy plants, etc. for more than 20 years. Our partner can look back on the planning and construction of more than 70 plants for the treatment and neutralisation of municipal solid waste using various tech-nologies.
Herr Andreas Karsten
Managing Director
AMK Global GmbH
Nauborner Straße 73
D-35578, Wetzlar